A scammer who impersonated a Singapore Pools employee has been caught in a sting operation. The 53-year-old man, who wishes to be known only as Mr Hu, told Shin Min Daily News he came across the fake advertisement on Facebook on June 19. It piqued his interest, so he messaged the account given in the ad to find out more. He was asked to pay $1,350 for a “sure win” 4-D jackpot number. The scammer replied that he would call back the next day to confirm his payment. However, the man called the number twice and no one answered. He then contacted the police.
The fake ad claimed that those who paid him would be assured of winning the jackpot by using a computer programme to pick numbers. The scammer also promised that he could guarantee the winnings by putting their money into his bank account. But the police have disproved this claim. The scammer has been arrested and is now facing a number of charges, including aggravated fraud and false advertising. The case will be heard on Aug 27 at the High Court.
In a separate development, the Singapore Pools has migrated its on-premise applications monitoring system to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. This allows the lottery operator to monitor multiple systems and analyse performance with a single dashboard, and reduces application downtime by half. In addition, Oracle’s Observability and Management Platform helps reduce the time it takes to troubleshoot issues.
The company’s central lottery system uses the Oracle solution, which includes Aurora Navigator, Data Connector and Aurora Anywhere, to connect external applications and support back-office functions. It also enables new applications to be developed quickly and easily, and expands game play and marketing opportunities. The solution can be accessed from any device and will help the company to increase its customer base.
As part of the deal, IGT will also provide training, marketing and ongoing support for the system. The company plans to use the platform for additional games, including scratchcards and sports betting. It will also offer a mobile application that allows customers to place bets and check their results.
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