The Costs of New Sydney Pools

A pool can add value to a property and enhance your lifestyle. However, a new pool can also be an expensive project. You’ll need to weigh up the benefits and costs to decide whether a Sydney pool is right for you. The cost considerations include initial costs, labour, and materials. The type of pool you choose will also affect the overall cost. Fibreglass pools are quick to install and have lower long-term maintenance costs than vinyl liner or concrete. However, they may not be as durable as a concrete pool.

In addition to the capital investment, a pool can also be costly to maintain and run. A swimming pool can be a source of pollution and require specialised cleaning and sanitisation equipment. There are also operational expenses like electricity, gas and chemicals that need to be paid for. The costs of a Sydney swimming pool can be significant, but there are ways to minimise the initial cost and reduce running costs.

The initial cost of a pool will depend on the size, shape and depth of the pool as well as your location. In Sydney, the average price for a new swimming pool is around $30,000, but the final cost can vary depending on your individual needs.

Before you start planning your dream pool, make sure you work out a budget and discuss it with your designer. This will help ensure the design you get is within your price range and helps you establish the best Sydney pool value for your money.

In the west of the city, there is one publicly accessible aquatic centre for every 178,960 people, according to research by Guardian Australia. That means many people have to travel long distances to use a pool, which can be damaging to their health and can result in increased stress. It also increases the risk of drowning.

Councillors including Greens councillor Rochelle Flood and independent Kathy Bryla are pushing for a discount model for swimming pool entry. They point to a trial in Snowy Valleys council, far south NSW, where free pool entry led to an increase in visits and revenue from café sales and classes, without increasing operating costs.

If you’re interested in learning more about the latest Sydney outdoor design trends and finding the best professionals to finish off your perfect backyard, pick up a copy of the latest Sydney Pool + Outdoor Design + Finishing Touches from your local newsagency. With Sydney-based specialists from frameless-glass pool fencing and Australian native landscaping to the latest outdoor furniture, there’s something for everyone.